Welcome to our website! We are Joseph Julián González and Monique González, husband and wife authors of the best-selling book, Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy, and we maintain this website. Go here for more information about us. Thank You!
Kansas City was Amazing!

We are grateful for this article about our recent lectures in Kansas City penned by the Most Reverend Joseph Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City.
Quote from the article:
"I encourage you to read “Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy.” It is meticulously researched. It reveals why Our Lady’s appearance at Guadalupe resulted in mass conversions.”
The Spanish Version of Our Book is Now Available on Amazon
¡Gran noticia!
Estamos emocionados de anunciar que nuestro libro “Guadalupe y la Profecía del Mundo de las Flores” ya está disponible en español.
¡Lo encuentras hoy mismo en Amazon!
Este libro será una experiencia inolvidable para quienes que buscan inspiración y una comprensión más profunda del Acontecimiento Guadalupano..
No te lo pierdas y comparte esta joya literaria con tus seres queridos.
¡Consigue tu ejemplar ahora!
#Guadalupe #NuevoLibro #RegaloDeNavidad #LecturaInspiradora #DisponibleEnEspañol#Amazon
!!!We are happy to announce that our book has been translated into Spanish and is now available as “Guadalupe y la Profecía del Mundo de las Flores” and you can find it on Amazon!!!
Our book is an unforgettable experience for all looking for inspiration and a deeper understanding of The Guadalupe Event.
Don't forget to buy this literary gem for your loved ones... Get your copy now!!
Estamos emocionados de anunciar que nuestro libro “Guadalupe y la Profecía del Mundo de las Flores” ya está disponible en español.
¡Lo encuentras hoy mismo en Amazon!
Este libro será una experiencia inolvidable para quienes que buscan inspiración y una comprensión más profunda del Acontecimiento Guadalupano..
No te lo pierdas y comparte esta joya literaria con tus seres queridos.
¡Consigue tu ejemplar ahora!
#Guadalupe #NuevoLibro #RegaloDeNavidad #LecturaInspiradora #DisponibleEnEspañol#Amazon
!!!We are happy to announce that our book has been translated into Spanish and is now available as “Guadalupe y la Profecía del Mundo de las Flores” and you can find it on Amazon!!!
Our book is an unforgettable experience for all looking for inspiration and a deeper understanding of The Guadalupe Event.
Don't forget to buy this literary gem for your loved ones... Get your copy now!!
The Meeting with Msgr. Chavez at the Basilica of Guadalupe, Mexico City
We had the opportunity to meet with the foremost expert on Guadalupe at the Superior Institute of Guadalupan Studies in Mexico City. Monsignor Eduardo Chávez gave us permission to publish his version of the Guadalupe narrative in the Spanish version of our book. In exchange, he asked that we include the logo of his institute as well as the logo for the nine-year novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe ending in 2031. We were more than happy to oblige. Our 3-hour conversation centered on the historical documentation of the Guadalupe account. However, we had a great time talking about music! Here’s to the beginning of a long friendship!

After our fun meeting talking about all things Guadalupe and music, here we all are with our respective books. He has a beautiful singing voice!

Msgr. Chávez ran into some of our pilgrims and was gracious enough to give his blessing to them, as well as take pictures.
We're Leading a Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe, September 20-27, 2024!

Featured Interview: I Might Believe in Faeries, April 30, 2024
We had a blast on this interview! Podcast Description: "This is a podcast about stories, myths and Catholicism. Stories are how we orient ourselves in the world. In Catholicism, we believe in the Greatest Story: Christ crucified and resurrected." This podcast was right up our alley. Aaron Irber was a fantiastic host.
The Dallas Lectures were a great success!
We had an incredible time at the University of Dallas who hosted the 2024 Landregan Lecture- Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Myth of the Flower World as Praeparatio Evangelica on Thursday, April 18. Professor Christopher Malloy, the head of the Theology department, introduced us to the amazing professors and students of this incredible University. We were so impressed with everything and would highly recommend to parents to send their kids here if they want to give them a truly authentic Catholic education with a high bar of excellence. Thank you to everyone who made our stay so enjoyable!

Gorgeous statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the campus of U. of D.

The 2024 Landregan Lecture, University of Dallas

Featured Review: Southwest Indian Foundation, March 24, 2024
We are always appreciative when people review our book. This recent interview from the Southwest Indian Foundation moved us in a particular way:
Featured Review: Dr. Jeff Mirus, catholicculture.org, Feb 16, 2024
We are honored and humbled to have received such a positive review from the esteemed Dr. Jeff Mirus, co-founder of Christendom College and founder of catholicculture.org.
You can read his review here: Our Lady of Guadalupe and preparing the Americas for Christ.